Sunday Services at 9:30 & 11:00 at 4703 Pulaski Road in Statesboro

This is gcc

We exist to show people a better way of life in Christ.

Our Mission

At Grace we are "showing people a better way of life in Christ."  This is why we exist.  This keeps us relevant.  Wherever you are in your personal faith-walk, the message of Jesus Christ offers meaning, guidance, and focus to an otherwise crowded but empty existence.

Our History

Having served in ministry for nearly ten years at that time, Pastor Mike grew dissatisfied with the traditional church paradigm that was becoming increasingly ineffective at reaching "unchurched" people in our community.  He began praying, seeking guidance, and researching in order to settle on a different approach to attract unchurched people and offer them an alternative to the traditional church method that dominated South Georgia at the time.  In 1995, Grace Community Church opened its doors in a rented auditorium on the campus of Georgia Southern University.  Using relevant methods like clear, biblical instruction; meaningful worship; opportunities for fellowship; both community and worldwide ministry; as well as evangelism; Grace has been showing people a better way of life in Christ for more than 20 years.


At Grace you will be introduced to the love of Christ and challenged to CONNECT with Him and His church.  A personal relationship with Jesus Christ paired with relationships with other Christ-followers like you, will greatly assist you in your faithwalk.  Once you have embraced authentic faith in Jesus Christ we want to help you GROW in Him.  A relevant, biblical teaching ministry at Grace along with various opportunities for involvement will assist you.  Finally, we hope you will SERVE.  Opportunities for serving at Grace are always available and will strengthen your personal relationship with God while also strengthening His church.

Our Membership

Your membership at this church is more likened to a partnership in that "membership" conveys the idea of rights and privileges whereas "partnership" speaks to the shared responsibilities we have in light of our New Testament calling.  Every 3 to 4 months we offer Membership Class.  You will hear about it on Sundays as the date approaches or you will find it on the calendar of events.  You will have the opportunity to sign up and participate in an instructive overview of our church doctrine and methods.  Childcare is provided and we usually enjoy a light lunch following the 11 o'clock service.